Smart Web Proxy
SwiftSurf is a web proxy that can handle http (1.0 and 1.1) and
https. Moreover, it allows page filtering and authentication through a
download the latest version (Change Log)
If you want to get swiftsurf (source or compiled version), go to the
download page.
If you compile it for another architecture, please send me the result
of the build_tgz.sh command.
Compilation and installation
Compilation is very easy : you just have to type "gmake" (or "gmake
byte" if you don't have a native ocaml compiler). To get an ocaml
compiler, go to ocaml web
For installing swiftsurf, you must become root and type "gmake
Then you must configure your browser in order it uses swiftsurf.
With Netscape or Mozilla, go to
Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies, select "Manual proxy
configuration" and set localhost with port 8080 as proxy for http and
You can now launch SwiftSurf (with the command swiftsurf). The
program accept the following options :
- -c conf_file : define the configuration file to use. If not
specified, the configuration file is searched within the following
files : $HOME/.swiftsurf, /etc/swiftsurf.conf, ./swiftsurf.conf,
- -d : run in daemon mode.
- -help : display options.
a. Vocabulary
- Proxy : Little program your browser (Netscape) uses to get html
pages over the internet.
- filtering : Allows you to forbid some pages. They are replaced by
an image of your choice.
- http : hyper text transfer protocol : language used on the
internet for exchanging html pages.
- https : secure http : allow secure communications across the
b. Interest of filtering
- Censorship : you can forbid pages whose url contain sex or xxx.
- Surf more swiftly : no more time wasted to load ads. This is very
interesting if you're connected through a modem, since it is slow and
- Display and control all the information your browser exchange
with the world.
Nota: The way the filter stops a page is by looking at the url, NOT the
content of the page. However, as you'll soon see, it's enough most of
the time.
All the configuration of SwiftSurf is made using the configuration
file. Comments start by "#" and finish at the end of the line.
the default file provided with the program should be fine for
most users. You just need to add the urls you want to filter in the
file named "forbidden". If you want an example of configuration file
using profiles, see swiftsurf.conf.school.
General configurations
Here are the configurations that will be used by all connections
(all the keywords are case insensitive) :
- port : port on which the proxy is running (8080 by default)
- logFile : allow to write the log to a file (default : stdout)
- connectFrom : addresses from where it is allowed to connect : a
regexp describing the local network.
- authentication : give a login and a password that will be
required for using the proxy.
- maxConns : maximum number of simultaneous connections accepted by
the proxy.
- nextProxy : If this proxy has to connect to another proxy to
have access to internet, give its name and port on which to connect. A
third optionnal argument specifies the authentication for the next
proxy. This last argument should look like user:passwd.
- noProxy : If nextProxy is set : list of sites which do not need to
be accessed through the proxy. This list can be finished by
"end" for clarity. You can use * and ?.
- forbiddenReqHeader : list of headers you want to ban from
request. It can be used to ignore all cookies for instance.
- forbiddenAnsHeader : idem for the answer.
- addReqHeader : add a header to every request the proxy sends to
the server. http require the header to look like this : "xxx: yyyyy".
- addAnsHeader : add a header to every answer the proxy replies to
the client. http require the header to look like this : "xxx: yyyyy".
- overrideUseragent : change the User-Agent sent by your
browser. This can be usefull with sites such as msn.com filtering
access with User-Agent (ex : overrideUseragent Mozilla/4.76).
- timeout : timeout for inactive connections in seconds (default :
30 sec). A value of 0 set timeout to infinite.
- maxConns : set a maximum number of simultaneous connections
(default : infinity).
- stats : 0 indicates you don't want any stats output, 1 a little
(display all the urls and tells if it has been accepted), 2 a little
more (display date, time and ip of client for each request).
- debug : display some debugging output. If you want to submit a
bug please give me the output with debug set to 2.
Profiles configurations
You can use at the same time different profiles, depending on the
access you want to give for example. Here is how a profile is defined :
profile login:pass
profOpt2 ...
If you do not define any profile, you will be able to use the proxy
without password.
Here are the possible options for profiles (profOpt) :
- forbiddenFile : name of a file containing a list of forbidden
urls followed by the name of a file containing a picture used for
replacing forbidden documents. if the image name is default (or
nothing), swiftsurf replaces documents by a small black square. If it
is a color (white, blue, transparent, green, red, orange, black, yellow
or gray), a gif of the given color is used.
- forbiddenUrl : list of the forbidden urls. This list must be
finished by "end" and is followed by the name of a file containing a
picture used for replacing forbidden documents (or default or a
color). You can use * and ?.
- allowedUrl : If this field is specified, only urls which match
one the items of the list are considered. All the other ones are
"forbidden". This list must be finished by "end" and is followed by
the name of a file containing a picture used for replacing forbidden
documents (or default or a color).
- allCONNECT : accept https on any port (default : only 443).
- noCONNECT : disable https.
- methods : list of allowed methods. This list must be terminated
by "end". An empty list is the default and means that all methods are
allowed (GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE...)
- request : part of the request you want to display. It is an
addition of three numbers : 1 for the command line and headers; 2 for
the content (in case of POST); 4 for all incoming data; 8 for all
outgoing data.
- answer : part of the answer you want to display. It is an
addition of three numbers : 1 for the command line and headers; 2 for
the content; 4 for all incoming data; 8 for all outgoing data.
To do
- Understand ftp
- Add a cache
- prefetch